BARON Studio


You cannot cancel your order yourself, but we can of course help you. The order can only be cancelled before it has shipped and before our warehouse has started working with the order. After that, we cannot guarantee a cancellation. When the order has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email. If you have requested a cancellation after the order has shipped, you must instead return it for a refund.

Unfortunately, we are unable to change orders once they are finalized. However, you may be able to cancel your order and place it again with the correct items. Please contact our client service team at with your order number. 

Usually we dispatch orders within 1-2 business days. Please note that our distribution center does not dispatch orders on Saturday, Sunday and French bank holidays. While our aim is to dispatch your order in the time scale indicated above, we do not take responsibility in the event that the delivery time is longer than indicated. Please note that during sale periods our dispatch time might be longer. 

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Contact BARON Studio

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